Discovering Real Indigo in Tokushima
Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku Island Region, Japan
Shikoku Island, Japan
What if there is more to see?
Along the Uji River, south of Kyoto, you will find the legendary ceramic workshop of Asahiyaki.
Kyoto, Japan
Shogun Iemitsu slammed the doors of Japan to European trade in 1637. Tired of the undermining missionaries, he banned all ships from Europe. When a Portuguese vessel failed to respect the ban, he had the entire crew decapitated. This period of isolation, known as sakoku had dual consequences.
Located in the western prefecture of Okayama, Kojima is the birthplace of Japanese denim. The four and a half hour pilgrimage from Tokyo is worth it for any denim devotee.
In 1948 German philosopher Eugen Herrigel published “Zen in the Art of Archery.” A copy was given to Henri Cartier-Bresson by painter George Braque. The book became a veritable handbook for Cartier-Bresson and subsequent generations of photographers who aspired to find deeper meaning in an art that was considered second rate next to painting or drawings.